Well, it's been a while. A long while. And I most certainly didn't want to leave everyone hanging this long! I've been busy with retired stamping supply garage sales, open houses and tradeshow organizing! With the Open House, however, comes new catalogue product! I received all my new Designer Papers, punches, stamp sets, inks last Wednesday and I was like a kid at Christmas! My fave stamp sets, hands down, are Make a Monster, Just Believe and Greeting Card Kids. At my Open House last Thursday we used two of those stamp sets and everyone was thrilled with the sets, the cards, the accessories!
Make a Monster is one of the best children's stamp sets ever! I love seeing everyone, kids and adults alike, getting creative with this fun stamp set. I kept it relatively simple for the Open House, but I love how even a simple card with this set would bring a smile to a little one's face!
For the next card, we used some fun new accessories. The Dotted Ribbon Punch - which makes a paper ribbon of any colour for your projects! - and the Adhesive Pearls. No brads, no punches for these beauties. Just stick them on and you're all set! We have Adhesive Rhinestones - too.
More new cattie samples coming soon! I hope you've enjoyed these, I promise I'll be back soon and keep letting stamps bring out your creativity!
Love these projects? Shop Stampin' Up! with me! (Canada only)
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